Since 2019 i have been doing the macrame thing . Macriale is about good handcraft .
We are handcrafter who always travel on the road of developing and learning new techniques With the erge to find beautiful materials we still do our thing, worldwide.

Macrame is a base of various knots that you can combine in different patterns .One ask where does the technique come from ? And the answers are many .The Chinchorros dated 5000 b.c in southamerica used it aswell as the nordic vikings and samer,during hundreds of years. Different northafrican tribes utilized the technique for many different purposes. Buliding bridges up high in the mountains and it also works excellent to make some nets to catch the fish in the rivers . These are all ways of utilize the knots, so its not just for jewelry making. It has been done in different material as plant fibres, also animal and human hair what the natures surroundings bless us with. We Macriale use a thread of the brand Linhasita that is a brazilian shoemakers thread that normally is utillized for sewing leather , making of bags and shoes. The thread has a wax that makes it resistent for water and long term wearing. The material that we use dosent give any allergic reactiobns and preferable for body and skin. The stones that we use are very variable when we always are looking for new interesting pieces. With the years we have been doing jewelry we now have a nice collections of stones that you are welcome to see.